Portuguese Association for the Rights of Women in Pregnancy and Birth. In 2014 I co- founded this organization whose aim is to promote human rights in childbirth and pregnancy. www.associacaogravidezeparto.pt

Portuguese Association for the Rights of Women in Pregnancy and Birth. In 2014 I co- founded this organization whose aim is to promote human rights in childbirth and pregnancy. www.associacaogravidezeparto.pt
The performing arts company I co-created in 2005 dedicated to Art for babies and toddlers. How young children develop and interact with the world around them is the basis for the shows and workshops we develop. www.palcodasmigalhas.com
Online directory that educates the general public about the role of Doulas, supporting families in the search of the right Doula for them, and assisting Doulas with the promotion and enhancement of their work. Also a platform for parents to share all things pregnancy, birth and parenthood. www.doula.pt
Inspiration Cards and Quotes for Pregnancy and Birth, developed by me and Mandala artist Candida Campos. https://www.facebook.com/circulosdevidaoraculo